Apr 04 2012

Special Prayers Week of 4/4/12

Love between a pet companion and their human counterpart is one of the most precious relationships we will ever have. Their unconditional love of us is beyond praiseworthy, but it is our unconditional love of them that is one of God’s greatest gifts to us.

Learning to love another creature completely and without reservation is so essential to our spiritual health. Loving them requires our ability to forgive- forgive the occasional mishap, the naughty behavior, the stolen sandwich. It demands moments of quality time- time to meditate and spend quiet time when we take walks or head to the beach or simply sit with a warm body on our laps. I find having a relationship with my animals to be the closest thing to finding peace with God, yet somehow easier and more tangible to understand. I hope that through these relationships, we can also come to develop a deep bond with Him.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have PEACE. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.” John 16:13

I think of all of my patients long after I leave the house, but special prayers this week go to Chewie and family, Goober and Big Tom, Butchie and family and Daisy.

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