Dr Saria’s Blog

  • Giving your emotional wealth to those in need

    Jan 14 2014

    A dog waits for someone to want him… he waits for the crumbs of affection, love and attention we humans are willing to give him. Crippled emotionally after being abandoned…

  • When the family is comfortable with our prayers

    Aug 22 2013

    “When the family is comfortable with our prayers, we offer words for each animal and family as we perform home euthanasia, and I am amazed at the depth of emotion…

  • Are you learning the right lessons?

    Apr 10 2013

    My German Shepard got skunked! Again!! That makes four times in 6 months. The first time was the night after we saw one of our favorite clients. They live in…

  • Loyalty in a Dog’s Eyes

    Feb 11 2013

    My husband left for the weekend to go skiing. At Okemo, they got two inches of fresh powder. Here in Milford, CT, we got two feet. So here I am,…

  • Xena, Warrior Veterinarian Princess!

    Jan 30 2013

    I have never been terribly good at letting others help me. I tend to be a lone soldier, fighting the hoards as a solitary Xena with minimal armour, a single…

  • Peace

    Oct 12 2012

    Sunday I had the day ‘off’ so I woke up late at 7am, got my daughter ready and fed, walked and medicated the animals, raced to the bakery for breakfast,…

  • What is Devotion?

    Oct 02 2012

    As Deryl and I approach the date of our marriage (yes, we finally set the date!), I was struck by a sermon the other day on DEVOTION from Romans 12…

  • Grace and Mercy

    Oct 02 2012

    We have a black and white kitten in our clinic that is meowing up a storm. She wants to come out of her cage and play! She ls lively, energetic,…

  • A Summer With Gold Coast Mobile Vet

    Aug 24 2012

    I have known Dr. Saria ever since I came to her as a fresh faced intern during the summer of 2010 working at her previous hospital in Waterbury. After spending…

  • When is Enough, Enough?

    May 14 2012

    Tomorrow I will see a dear dog that has terminal lymphoma. She has been doing wonderfully, but last visit saw a decline, and I advised her sweet pet-parents that the…